The First 1,000 Days

The First 1,000 Days

Why The First 1,000 Days Really Matter
Because Mom’s well-being matter.
The first 1,000 days starts from the moment the mom is trying to get pregnant, throughout her pregnancy, the delivery of the baby, breastfeeding, all to way till the child’s second birthday. Throughout this journey of motherhood, it is essential for moms to obtain good nutrition and get the proper care and support to shape the healthiest possible future for herself, and her child.
A healthy, happy mother gives birth to a healthy baby. Good nutrition and well-being during the first 1,000 days is fundamental for a child’s survival, growth, optimal development and lifelong health. During pregnancy, your overall environment from the food you eat to your exposures to stress and adversities in life shape you and your child’s future health in powerful ways.

The first 1,000 days is the most critical period for the baby’s brain, body, metabolism, and immune system development. The quality of nutrition you and your child are getting during pregnancy and beyond can have a profound impact on how your child develop, grow and learn, throughout your child’s lifetime. If you did not get enough nutrition, it may affect your child’s brain function, health, emotion and immune system. In fact, it could also set the stage for later obesity, diabetes, and other chronic diseases which can lead to a lifetime of health problems.
Don’t worry. Find out what are the essential nutrients you should take during your baby’s first 1,000 days with Shaklee.

Did you know that a baby’s brain contains 10 billion cells during the 24th week of pregnancy? It continues to develop after your baby is born, especially during the first few years of life. In fact, the brain makes 700 neural connections per second during age one, and it reaches 80% of adult brain size by age two. Fascinating, isn’t it?

Beginning early in pregnancy and throughout early childhood, nutrition provides the building blocks for your child’s brain health, IQ, motor skills and socio-emotional development, which in turn impacts your baby’s future success in life. So, it is crucial for you and your child to take the right nutrients at the right time to feed the brain’s rapid development and to build a brighter future.

After birth, breast milk is the ultimate superfood for your baby as it contains a variety of nutrients, growth factors and hormones that are vital for a child’s early brain development.
Discover nutrients that have profound and long-lasting effects to support brain development.

During the first 1,000 days, the unique emotional relationship that you have with your child lays the foundation for your child’s physical, emotional and social growth. Looking after your emotional health is just as important as looking after your child’s physical health.
When you’re pregnant and express more positive emotions, your brain becomes much more strongly connected with your baby’s brain. This may help your baby to learn and its brain to develop.
When you’re happy and positive, your young child is well-nourished, cared for and protected from negative emotions, toxins and stress for the best chance at a thriving future. And when your children get a strong start in life, they can have a brighter future.
Shaklee supports your 1,000 days from conception and beyond for a healthier you and healthier baby.